clanguage startup for biggners

 c language startup for biggners

hello! world's changer  a very good day here i m kuldeep and todays session i m show you c language satup lectures modules there are only three modules if you wish to learnmuch many more then contact me so now woithout ay circultances let's get's started

this module is all about introduction even i started i  told you in all modules of this website i used language like as i explain in whtsapp group...yeah i teach in whatsapp groupthis is my terminology of teaching and i think it is best way to explain you ....if you want to refuse first read and study and ask your feedback.....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ===>hy guys there I m kuldeep I m here to present c language so without any circultances let's gets started ....

Hey you know what is c ....c is a computer high level language to make computer program by strings of instruction as code format this coading works on COBOL language principle which means they are structured language .. ooops it's have many terms confused I know let me explain term then understand then if any problem then ask ok ....the terms is






high level language :- the language which works on computer helping programs works to communicate easily access to convert into machine language 

machine language:- binary language (0,1) are also known as machine language



program:- the sets of instruction for work to execute computer processing are known as programme



instructions:- to justify computer work there is an strings of instructions are known as instructions.



COBOL language:- you know for any type of family explaination we use structure as flow chart yeah this terminology representation in flow chart is known as structural or COBOL language



I thing there defination might be clear even any doubt then ask ....any doubt...





good , now forward to others terms is history,working,use let's we talk.....


this type of high language originally in Dennis m Richie to develop Unix os(operating system) at bell labs c was first implement in on Dec pdp11 computer in 1972.

in 1978 brain kernighan and Dennis Ritchie produced the firstly publically available description of c now known asthe k&r standard.the Unix os the c compiler,and essentially all Unix application programs have been written in c, c has become a widely used professional language for various reasons.

-easy to learn

-structured Language

-it produces afficient programs

-itcan be handle low level activities

-it can be compiled on a verity of computer plateforms.


_unix os is totally written in c

_todays most popular linux is and rdbms MySQL havebessn written in c.

_inicially used for system development work, 


os, language compilers,assemblers,test editor,print spoolers, network drivers,moders programms,databases, language interpreter, utilities....

now any doubt ask...

next is to setup ok so any problem then I by your fvrt emojii..............NOW TELL IN COMENT WHATS MY METHOD TERMINOLOGY LOOKS...

===>                                                                                                        =====>>setup...

the local environment you used is 

a)text editor

b)the  c compiler



there are many compiler as well as text editor..



 Hey guys here I have a intresting fact can i say ...

if you are practicing c language online and you don't want to use any type of application software then you compile online as in here various sites even I have a suggested site is

and even you compile offline in android there is an app link for android if any iOS apple user then say hy for I share link for your platform..



here a severals of text editors as 

notepad,os edit command (also in command prompt edit commant) ,brief,epsilon,emacs and vim or vi

but you might to know you have to save with ".c" extension and setup file in c drive 

and even you setup in Linus ,Unix there be many terms let me share you link for it wait.....

a program structure areas follow as define by example of type hello world..



first I teachs the basic concepts for C language program then example


.a c language program consist of 

_preprocessor command



statement and expression


ok now example for explaining



// Hello world example



 void main()  



      printf("Hello World");   




 Hello World



.and now talk about basic Syntex .

tokens,semi colons ,comments, identifiers, keywords, 




now we talk about data types..


I think it is enough for today if any doubt the. ask 


next module  we talk about variables, costants and litrals

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clanguage startup for biggners