Computer is an electronic machine which converts raw data material into meaning full language.
Data: - data is a collection of alphabets numbers and symbol’s
Raw data in computer:-in computer raw data material is BINARY.
Binary:-computer machine can’t understand our language they only understand our language that is binary
Binary means the sum of two Components that is only 0 and 1.
=>Now question arise which terminology used by the computer in binary function so, we upload video shortly,
Information: - like as computer they only understand binary we can’t understand binary codes so computer convert binary into that language which we understand and that is information.
NOTE:-the entire computer task used IPO cycle.
Meaning of computer: - Computer word comes from Greek word “compute” it means Calculation.
Computer meaning one-by-one word
Features of computer:-
Speed:-computer do that all works with very high speed we can measure it.
10-12SEC |
10-9SEC |
10-6SEC |
10-3SEC |
Accuracy:-computer always gives the accurate result will until they were doing do the wrong activity.
Storage:-the storage capacity of the computer is very large .a micro floppy can store 1.44 MB data.
Automation: - computer does the all work automatically.
Diligence: - computer never tired it can work continuously.
Note: - all computers not made only monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. (means Hardware) brut also made by software the soul of the computer.
HARDWARE: - the computer component which we felt or touched the entire machine is termed as Hardware.
Hardware is a term which refers to the physical components of a computer system which are used for processing data. No matter what the shape and size of computers would be they perform
For example: - keyboard, mouse, monitor joystick, etc.
SOFTWARE: - the computer component which we can’t touch or felt is known as software.
For example: - ms-paint, notepad, ms-window, etc.
INPUT UNIT: - By this unit can give the information instruction to the computer.
System unit: - it s also called C.P.U. it is also called brain of the computer. It is divided into three categories.
A.L.U.:- Full form of ALU is Arithmetical Logical Unit. It works to calculation in the computer that is for calculate or calculate the data path to which path they move in distance.
M.U.:- full form of MU is Memory Unit it works to store data in the computer.
C.U.:- full form of CU is control unit it works to control the all task doing by the computer.
Following five basic operations for converting raw input data into information useful to users.
1. Inputing: The process of entering data and instructions into computer system is called Inputting.
2. Storing: - Saving data and instructions so that they are available for future use whenever required.
3. Processing: - Performing arithmetic operations (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide etc.) or logical operations (Comparisons like equal to, less than, greater than etc.) on data in order to convert them into useful information.
4. Outputting: - The process of obtaining useful information or results to user such as printed report or visual display.
5. Controlling: - Detecting the manner and sequence in which all above operations are performed.
Any computer system have essentially four important parts normally input unit, central processing unit, storage unit and output unit. The block diagram is shown in Figure.
Block diagram of Computer
the Figure, the solid lines are used to indicate the flow of instruction and
data and the
KEYBOARD: - it is a just like a type writer they consisting 105-108 keys they send information as data.
It is divided into four parts. It developed by Kristopher Lethem College
Main pad (A to Z)
Function keypad (f1 to f12)
Numerical keypad (o to 9)
Special keypad) (chift,num,ctrl,etc.)
Mouse:- it is an pointer device which is dshown innmthe computer screen. This is user friendly. It developed by the scientist dug anglebard.
Scanner:- it is used for send pictures photograph in the computer.
Light pen:- it is used to draw the grsphics. Stylus use to run computer screen.
Joy stick:- these are used to play the game on the computer.
BCR:- (bar code reader) it is used to check the bar code on the product and give their full information deeply of the product.
OMR:-(optical mark reader) it is used to check the optical mark in the OMR answer sheet.
OCR:- it is used to check the answer sheet letters applications in rthe university.
MICR:- (magnetic ink character reader) it is use in the banks for to scan the magnetic code insert in the cheque.
these device are used to produced the fresh result that is after processed.
A monitor
or a display (also called screen or visual display unit)
is an electronic visual display for computers. The
monitor comprises the display device, circuitry and an enclosure. The display
device in modern monitors is typically a thin film transistor liquid
crystal display (TFT-LCD) thin panel, while older monitors use a (CRT) cathode ray tubeabout as deep as the
screen size.
Originally, computer monitors were used for data
processing while television receivers were used for
entertainment. From the 1980s onwards, computers (and their monitors) have been
used for both data processing and entertainment, while televisions have
implemented some computer functionality. The common aspect
ratio of televisions, and then computer monitors, has also changed
from 4:3 to 16:9 (and 16:10)
devided into 25row and 80 column these pictures are made on the screen in pixals these are two types
1-color monitor
2-monochrome monitor
Printer:-these are also a output device that produced the result by printing or paper they are several types.
NOTE:- any of the processing done done in the computer access data as likely as binary. yes,in processing of binary in any task they access the storage.
=>you know very well in thew computer or in phone why we need storage but instead of we want storage for processing we explained above all computer working storage measurly having two types.
First is primary storage device and second is secondry storage device.
Memory chart stored in the computer .
It is also known as internal memory it is a temporary memory.its functionionjn g to the computer hndle firsdtly alloif the activity done in the computer ionternally. All the computer activity and also instead of CPU prefx the all of them firstl;y prefer tyo tyher primary memory they is also by they re also a loyal memory. Ithey are very loyal towards computer for better functioning by the computer the all of the cpu. Task performing drivers installed by them by the ROM.
They are of two types
1. RENDOM ACCESS MEMORY, It is a volatile memory it can store the data automatically and the data is remain it when the computer is on as the electricity has gone or computer id turn off the data will erase automettically there are th4ree types.
2. READ ONLY MEMORY , It s a permanent memory and also called non-volatile memory. It the rom data is stopred permanently and the can not be erase the data when the flow of electricvity int eh computer ystem has gone.mens when we turn aff the computer the data stored in READ ONLY MEMORY. Has not be erased.
There are three types of READ ONLY MEMORY
These device are also known as the external storagre device they can nho0t be the more sustainable or respoknsible memory of the compter they only eworks witht w tropolog yhof the computer they are not work whenthe primany menmory cdo nt obey the permission ot run they are used for gain the storage capacity of thr computer. They are of several types such as.
Hard disk:-it is a two nor more flexible disk where the data is stored the disk in which the head don’t move called fixed head on the movable head disk normally have on the read right head which is fruitate on as own this are allows head to position on any track of the plotter a hard disk moved 3600 RPM movable.
Floppy disk:-it is a magnetic disk is CERCULAR PLATE of plastic which is coated with megnetisible material for current is passed through the head which produced the magnetic field these magnetic disk divided in to the path. Anmd these. Sectors are devided in to track where the data is stored.
CD-ROM:-it stand for compactable disk READ ONLY MEMORY this answer proper data transfer CD-ROM to themain memry the carbonate which is coated with alluminium from a highly reflectide circle.
Removable disk:-it is also known as transferable device that is use to transfer device that is use to transfer the data easily. From one place to another place or one computer to another it is hendle to safe.
3. Programme:-the set of or series of instruction is known as programme.
Software:-collection of programmes is knoen as software.
Or software is a platform where he can run all the programmes.
1)system software.
· Language translator
· Operating system
· Utility programe
2) Application software
· Normal product
· Standard product
3)language translator
· Interpretor
· Compilar
· Assembler.
System software
the software that are design to system need are known as system software they are three types..
operating system:- operating system operate the computer or a driver operate a car or ,metor.
Utility programme:-utility programme is design by many features and supply with the hardware
language translator:- language translator are used to change the any high level or an level language into machine language.
These are three types
Inter pretor:- it is used to change theany low level language into machine it check the programme line by line and show the all errors at the end of every line.
Compiler:- it is used ti change low level language into machine language compiler change the cobol language programme at a time and show the all errors at the end of the programme.
Assembler:- it is change the any high level language into machine language it change the phonyum code into machine code.
Application:-the software that are design for users need are known as application software.
These are of two types.
1 ) normal product
2) standard product
Normal product:- these software are some and run by all over the world user.
Standard product:- these software are designed foe a particular organisaton or company.
#ANALOG COMPUTER:- Those computer which have input be signal are known as the analog computer.these are used for detection of signal or signal capacity of the any system, machine , computer,equipment, radiation, elements power, power, etc. it s mesorly used by the engineers doctors ,scientist, astronauts, etc..
Ex:- thermometer, sperometer,hydrometer,etc.
#Hybrid computer:- those computer which have the features and both of them analog and digital computer are known as hybrid computer.
Ex:-ECG(electronic carbo graph) , ultra sound, ECH, android phone.
#DIGITAL COMPUTER:- These computer which have input as data are known as digital computer.
Ex:-micro computer, calculator , digital Watch , super computer , etc.
On the basis of size
a) Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are large computers which processes at high speed and occupies a large space. This has a large capacity to handle huge numbers of records. More than 100 people can work at a time and communicate with different countries with Wide Area Networks via satellite. They are generally used in large scale organizations and government officers for large –scale data processing. Such computers can be seen in the Universities, Institute of Engineering, and Scientific research centers.
In one word, a large computer, usually designed to serve a number of remote terminals is called Mainframe Computer.
b) Mini computer
Mini computers are
medium in size than Mainframe computers but larger than microcomputers. They
are less powerful than super and Mainframe but more powerful than micro
computers. They are specially used in data processing, Programming, Desktop
publishing fields. In other words, a computer smaller than a mainframe and
larger than a microcomputer, intended to support multiple users is called Minicomputer
c) Micro Computer
Micro computer is also known as Personal Computer or Home Computer. They are made by using microprocessor. They are widely used at homes and officers. Many brands models and sizes are available in microcomputers. They are used in many fields of business, education, desktop & graphic designing, data processing etc.
In other words, a small computer driven by a single integrated circuit and designed for use by one person is called microcomputer. It is also called PC.
Microcomputers can be sub categorized into:
I. Desktop Computer: a personal or micro-mini computer sufficient to
Fit on a desk.
Laptop computer: a portable computer complete with an integrated screen and
It is generally
smaller in size than a desktop computer and larger than a notebook computer.
Laptop with Touch
Laptop with track
Iii. Palmtop Computer/Digital Diary/Notebook: a hand-sized computer. Palmtops have no keyboard but the screen serves both as an input and output device.
d) Super Computer
A computer that is capable of working at very great speed, and can thus processes a very large amount of data within an acceptable time. Super computers are used in designing complicated machines as supersonic jets, space research, and picture composition for movie films, and for weather forecasting. Super Computers have the largest, fastest and most expensive systems in the world.
CRAY-I/II/III, CYBER-205, HITACHI-810/20 are some popular Super Computers.
CRAY-I Super Computer
On the basis of Brand
The computes manufactured by IBM (International Business Machine) company are called IBM Computers. The microcomputers of IBM Company are called IBM PC. IBM is one of the leading companies in computer industry.
b) IBM Compatible
Computers, developed on the principles of IBM Computers are called IBM Compatible. It can perform all the tasks that an IBM computer does. They are less expensive than original (IBM) computers.
In other words, a personal computer that is compatible with the IBM PC is called IBM Compatible Computer.
c) Apple/Macintosh
The computers manufactured by the Apple Company are called Apple Computers. They are specially used in Desktop-Designing. They are quite expensive than IBM and IMB Compatible.
The Operating System and other peripherals are completely different than IBM and IBM Compatibles.
History of Computer.
The history of
computer starts from 4000 years ago. History of computer means the gradual
change in the concept over a long period of time. Around fifth century, Hindu
philosophers developed a new method of counting from 0 to 9. Counting the
numbers from 0 to 9 can be performed with the help of fingers. The development
of counting started from the development of simple counting device called
It is the early counting and calculating
device that was developed by the Chinese people. The ABACUS was first used for
computations in 3000 B.C. It was made of a wooden frame on which there were
strings. The frame was divided into two parts, heaven and earth, by a mid-bar.
Each string in heaven had two beads each having the value of five units and
each string on the earth had five beads each having the value of one unit.
During the calculation, the beads were shifted to the mid-bar. It also followed
the place value system. It was used to add, subtract, divide and multiply.
Napier's bones:
In 1614 AD, a
Scottish mathematician John Napier discovered the concept of logarithms. In
1617 AD, he constructed a set of rods called Napier Bones fordoing mathematical
calculation easily. It consisted of eleven sets of bone rods on which the
numbers were engraved. It was used for multiplication. It was based on the
principle of performing multiplication by the addition of logarithms.
Slide Rule:
After the invention of logarithm in 1617
AD, William Outghtred invented the Slide Rule in 1620. This device was made on
the principle of logarithms. This device consists of two graduated scales, one
small and other larger one. One of the scales passes over the other. It was
used calculation product and quotient. The calculation was done by sliding the
smaller scale over the large scale and the result was obtained by viewing the
The Slice Rule was
used by the engineers till 1970. This was replaced by pocket calculator.
Calculating/Adding Machine:
It was developed by Blaise Pascal in 1642. It
was a mechanical calculator that used toothed wheels and gears. The numbers
were written on the wheels and the calculations were done by dialing the
numbers. It was also called as Pascaline. It was used to add, subtract. ,
multiply and divide.
Leibniz's Calculator:
It was made by a German philosopher Gentrified
Wilhelm von Leibniz (G.V. Leibniz) in 1671 AD. It was based on Pascal's
principle. But it used gears, toothed wheels and drums. It was able to add,
subtract and even find square roots. It worked on the principle that
multiplication and division can be done by repetitive addition and subtraction
of numbers. It was also called as Stepped Reckon or.
Difference Engine:
In 1822 AD, an
English mathematician (Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University)
invented a machine called Difference Engine with mechanical memory to store
results. It was based on the difference tables of squares of the numbers. Due
to which it got its name as Difference Engine.
Analytical Engine:
It was also developed by Charles Babbage in
1830s. It consisted of the input unit for taking data and instructions, mill
for performing calculation, memory (punched card) with a suitable output device
that was used in giving the final result. It was designed to calculate up to 20
decimal places. The same principles of Analytical Engine are used in the modern
computer. So he is called as the "Father of Modern Computer”. Using the
principles of Charles Babbage, About 100 years later, Mark-1 was developed by
Howard Aiken in 1937.
The analytical Engine was never completed due
to the lack of techniques and technology because of which he was unable to get
the parts that he wanted in his machine.
Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace:
One of the great supporters of Charles Babbage
was Lady Augusta Ada (The daughter of Famous poet, Lord Byron). She convinced
Babbage to use binary concept in his Analytical Engine. She wrote different
types of programs that were used in the Babbage machines. So she is remembered
as the "First Programmer" in the history of computer science and has
to her credit a computer language called ADA named after her.
Dr. Herman Hollerith:
He was the first person to use punched card
practically on his Census Tabulating Machine in 1880s. The information is
stored as holes in cards, which are interpreted by machines with electrical
sensors. The cards were punched by a machine called Punched Card Machine or
Hollerith's Tabulating Machine. Then he established Tabulating Machine Company
to sell his products. Later, when other companies merged with TMC, new company
were established under the name International Business Machine Company and he
came the founder of IBM. It is the world’s leading computer manufacturer.
Mark-1 (Howard Aiken):
In the late 1930s, next important event
was added in the history of computer; the electromechanical computer was born
with the development of MARK-1 in 1944 by Howard Aiken with the help of IBM. It
also used the punched cards designed for Difference Engine. It was 51 ft long,
8 ft high and 13 ft wide. It used large numbers of valves, switches and
resistors. It was used to produce ballistics tables in 2nd world war.
Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC):
It is the first electronic computer that was
developed by john Outlay and J. Prosper Eckert in 1947. It was based on the
decimal number system. 18,000 vacuum tubes were used in ENIAC. There were
70,000 resistors, 10,000 condensers and 6,000 switches. It weighed 30 tones and
occupied a space 3,000 cubic feet. It could calculate 300 times faster than any
calculating devices at that time and it was based on decimal number.
Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC):
1949, the first electronic computer was developed by John Archly and John Prosper
Eckert with the help of A. Burks, Goldstine and Neumann. This machine was used
to store the data and information as well as the instructions. This computer
operated electronically.
UNIVAC-I (Universal
Accounting Computer):
John Mauchly and Eckert founded their own company in 1946 and began to work on the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC): general-purpose commercial computer in 1951. It was the first commercially used electronic computer in the world.
>In 1977, Steve Wozniak and Stave Jobs establish the company Apple
In 1984, Apple introduces the Macintosh, the first widely available computer
with a "user-friendly"
graphical interface using icons, windows, and a mouse device.
In 1989, Microsoft Corporation introduces Windows for IBM Computers.
>in 1987 first windows operating system loaded system built by Microsoft company.
And much many more……
Generation of computer.
Depending on the device used, system
architecture, processing mode and language used in the computers are
categorized in the following five generation. The development of different
types of memory devices has given a sequence of development of computers from
mainframe to mirocomputers. In the development of computers there is lot of change
from 1946 to 1990. This time is divided in different generations by scientists
in a conference in 1962.
First Generation (1946 to 1954):
Introduction of the UNIVAC I
in 1951 marked the beginning of the first generation. They began to work on the
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) in 1946; so we can considered the
duration of first Generation starts from 1946. The computers using vacuum tubes
as a memory unit are known as first-generation computers. The vacuum tube
consumes a lot of power. The Vacuum tube was developed by Lee DeForest In 1908.
1. they
used valves or vacuumed tubes as their main electronic component.
2. They
were large in size, slow in processing and had less storage capacity.
3. They
consumed lots of electricity and produced lots of heat.
4. There
were not so accurate and reliable.
5. They
used machine level language for programming.
6. They
were very expensive.
Their computing capabilities were limited.
Example: ENIAC,
UNIVAC, IBM 650 etc.
Second Generation (1955 to 1964):
The invention of
Semi-conductor transistor had made big revolution in the field of computer. The
transistor replaced the Vacuum tube. The second-gyration computers used
transistor as a memory unit. A transistor could do the work of 1000 vacuum
tubes. Second generation computers are smaller in size. They are more reliable
and faster than the first generation computers. Assembly language was used for
programming in second-generation computers.
1. Transistors were used instead of Vacuum
2. Processing speed is faster than first
Generation Computers (Micro Second)
3. Smaller in size (51 square feet).
4. The input and output devices were faster.
Example: IBM 1400 and
7000 Series, Control Data 3600 etc.
Third Generation (1965 to 1947):
By the development of a small
consisting of the capacity of the 300 transistors called Integrated Chip (IC).
The computers, using ICs are of the third Generations. They were smaller in
size and had higher efficiency in speed and memory capacity. Very soon ICs were
replaced by LSI (large Scale Integration), which consisted about 100
components. An IC containing about 100 components is called LSI.
1. they used Integrated Circuit (IC) chips in
place of the transistors.
2. Semi conductor memory devices were used.
3. The
size was greatly reduced, the speed of processing was high, and they were more
accurate and reliable.
4. Large Scale Integration (LSI) and Very
Large Scale Integration (VLSI) were also developed.
5. The mini computers were introduced in this
6. They used high level language for
Example: IBM 360, IBM
370 etc.
Fourth Generation (1975 to 1990):
An IC containing about 100
components is called LSI (Large Scale Integration) and the one, which has more
than 1000 such components, is called as VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).
The computers designed using VLSI, as a memory unit is known as fourth Generation
computers. The first microprocessor 8008 was developed by American Company
(Intel Corporation) in 1971 and in 1974; another more powerful microprocessor
8080 was developed. The microprocessor 8080 was used in early XT computers.
Microprocessor based computers fall in fourth generation computer group. VLSI
is also called as microprocessor.
1. they used Microprocessor (VLSI) as their
main switching element.
2. They are also called as micro computers or
personal computers.
3. Their size varies from desktop to laptop or
4. They
have very high speed of processing; they are 100% accurate, reliable, diligent
5. They have very
large storage capacity.
Example: IBM PC,
Apple-Macintosh etc.
Fifth Generation (1990-Present and Future):
The fifth-generation computers
are under development stage. These computers are being made using
microprocessor and will use USLI (Ultra-large-scale integration) chips
(BIO-Chips) in the future. Such computers will use intelligent programming and
improved human-machine interfaces. It is estimated that these computers of
fifth generation will have an Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a little
thinking capacity and they will understand the natural languages like English,
Japanese etc.
1. they are the future computers which will
use parallel processor or genetically
engineered bio-chips as their main
switching element.
2. They will have Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and will be able to understand natural
3. They will have extremely high efficiency
and reliability.